1.1.27 विभाषा दिक्स्मासे बहुव्रीहौ

Even when सर्व​ comes with दिशावाची बहुव्रीहि समास​ the सर्वनाम​ status is retain (still applies). Note that if this doesn't happen then द्वन्द्व​ would have the pluralization as well (causing ambiguity).

For example:
उत्तरस्य पूर्वस्याश्च दिशोरन्तरालम् => उत्तरपूर्वा ङे => उत्तरपूर्वस्य्ऐ (uttar and purva didn't combine to be treated as द्विवचन​ ; The द्विवचन​ would imply द्वन्द्व​)