1.1.9 तुल्यास्यप्रयत्नं सवर्णम्

आस्य​ is उच्चारण स्थान​. The प्रयत्न of the उच्चारण स्थान​ of comparable (similar) letters would be the same (dominant letter).

All दीर्घ सन्धि are examples of this.

प्रयत्न are of two types :
आभ्यन्तर and बाह्य​

आभ्यन्तर in turn is classified into 5 sub-types:
1. स्पृष्ट - from स्पर्श​- word for clear in Sans/Hindi. The tongue completely contacts the particular part of the mouth.
2. ईषस्पृष्ट - The tongue only partially contacts the particular part of the mouth e.g. in य् र् ल् व्
3. ईषद्विवृत - The throat stays "somewhat" opened in this type of प्रयत्न. ऊष्म letters: श् ष् स् ह् are examples of this प्रयत्न
4. विवृत - In this प्रयत्न the mouth stays open but the tongue is relatively free.
5. संवृत - In this प्रयत्न the mouth stays open but the tongue isn't free (only अ )

बाह्य​ is of 11 types

1. विवार - The mouth clearly opens
2. संवार - mouth is only partly opened
3. श्वास - breath is used
4. नाद - long sound
5. घोष - echo or repetition
6. अघोष - without any echo
7. अल्पप्राण​- the pronunciation that requires very little breath/energy
8. महाप्राण - the pronunciation that requires a lot of breath/energy
9. उदात्त
10. अनुदात्त
11. स्वरित